The Barry Law Office, Ltd

Court Forms

Minnesota Court Forms

These are some of the most commonly used forms that may assist consumers who are representing themselves.

Conciliation / Small Claims Court Forms

  • Click here for a packet of the most commonly used conciliation Court forms that you can fill out, scan, and electronically file with the Minnesota State Court system.  It also includes helpful instructions from the Court. There are a host of other forms available here from the state court, but this packet contains the ones you’ll most likely need to file your own small claims court case.
  • Click here for how to file your small claims lawsuit with the Minnesota Court.

Garnishment Exemption Claim Forms


I have decades of federal consumer rights litigation experience since 1996.  There is no tougher place in the world to litigate than in United States Federal District Court.  You’ll be glad that your lawyer has both the knowledge of the Court, and the success to back it up.


I’ve professionally trained thousands of lawyers all over the country on how to sue debt collectors.  I gather all of the best ideas from my legal seminars and bring them back to my law practice.  Because I’ve taught thousands of lawyers in all 50 States, my reputation is second-to-none.


I run an all digital, paperless, law office.  I can instantly access any document that has ever been created in your legal file from a secure cloud.  Quickly and efficiently.  Paper is scanned, optically-character-recognized and fully word-searchable.  That makes me effective for you and tough for our opponents.


As a consumer lawyer, I pride myself in answering my own phone and email.  If I’m available to talk, we will talk.  Email is always a great way for you to reach me and I make every effort to get back to you in 24 hours or less.  I don’t avoid clients.  I serve them.

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