The Barry Law Office, Ltd

Collection Harassment

Harassed By A Debt Collector? We Can Help.


Banks cannot lie to you, mislead you, or make false statements to you about where your money went and why.


Banks have to be fair to you. That means the must protect and safeguard your funds and not allow them to be transferred electronically without your express consent.


Banks have to treat you with dignity and respect. They must promptly investigate claims of fraud and provisionally return your funds if they cannot get to the bottom of things quickly.


What kind of clients do you work with?

Our clients are good folks, just like you, who may be struggling to pay their consumer debts.  Bankruptcy doesn’t make sense for them, but they still feel the sting of collection harassment. Debt collectors are prohibited from doing any of the following:

  • Threatening lawsuits, garnishment, liens, or arrest for not paying a bill
  • Calling your family, friends, neighbors or employers to collect a debt
  • Leaving abusive phone messages
  • Insulting, yelling or swearing at you
  • Calling your workplace after telling the collector not to call you there
  • Lying, threatening, or otherwise harassing you in any way

If you have suffered from any of these abusive bill collection practices, you may be entitled to compensation. We can help any consumer who is currently in collections, or has suffered from collection harassment. Call us today to speak with an attorney about your collection harassment case.

How do you get paid your fees?

Every case is different.  Some settle quickly, some last for a longer.  Generally speaking, one year from filing-to-finish is a good estimate for how long an FDCPA case takes in the Federal Court.  It depends on what evidence is needed in your case and whether or not we need more evidence against a collector.

How long will my case take?

Every case is different.  Some settle quickly, some last for a longer.  Generally speaking, one year from filing-to-finish is a good estimate for how long an EFTA case takes in the Federal Court.  It depends on what evidence and damages you have in your case and whether the bank wants to fight hard, or settle quickly.

What can I do to make my case successful?

Immediately document every communication you have with any debt collector, whether by letter, by phone or by message. Make detailed notes of any conversations you have with a debt collector during the conversation. Keep this log next to your phone.  SAVE every single voice mail, answering machine message, collection letter, and paper message. Don’t throw anything away, including the envelopes that the collection letters come in or anything included with the collection letter.  Here’s a handy Collection Communications Log that will help.

  • Save copies of all letters and notices from collection agencies
  • Save all phone messages and voice mails- this is very important!
  • Take screen shots or pictures of each caller ID screen showing a debt collection and/or robo-call
  • Make note of your conversations with these bill collectors
  • Call us to help you recover your damages

You Have A Right To Sue A Collector

As a consumer, you are entitled to file a lawsuit against any debt collector who violates your rights under the FDCPA. In short, the FDCPA allows a consumer to recover their actual damages, statutory damages of up to $1,000 and their attorney’s fees and costs. Debt collectors who violate the law have a lot at stake: Increased insurance rates, decreased collection rates, potential governmental regulatory action, and the spiraling costs of defending a lawsuit for their illegal conduct.

The deck is stacked against consumers with sophisticated debt collection tactics. As a consumer, you should not hesitate to shield yourself from these sharp practices and exercise your rights under the FDCPA. Our law firm has the experience, resources and ability to to zealously represent you in your FDCPA action against any debt collector. We file federal civil lawsuits against debt collectors who violate any state or federal law. The FDCPA prohibits any collection efforts that violates any law. That means that amongst other things, a collector must tell the truth, be respectful to you, and cease communicating with you when you have a lawyer. Our firm can and will make illegal collection activity stop dead in its tracks.

Your Rights Under The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)


I have decades of federal consumer rights litigation experience since 1996.  There is no tougher place in the world to litigate than in United States Federal District Court.  You’ll be glad that your lawyer has both the knowledge of the Court, and the success to back it up.


I’ve professionally trained thousands of lawyers all over the country on how to sue debt collectors.  I gather all of the best ideas from my legal seminars and bring them back to my law practice.  Because I’ve taught thousands of lawyers in all 50 States, my reputation is second-to-none.


I run an all digital, paperless, law office.  I can instantly access any document that has ever been created in your legal file from a secure cloud.  Quickly and efficiently.  Paper is scanned, optically-character-recognized and fully word-searchable.  That makes me effective for you and tough for our opponents.


As a consumer lawyer, I pride myself in answering my own phone and email.  If I’m available to talk, we will talk.  Email is always a great way for you to reach me and I make every effort to get back to you in 24 hours or less.  I don’t avoid clients.  I serve them.

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